วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Protection against MRSA

E 'began decades ago in hospitals. In 1990, he began to demonstrate outside the hospitals. And now suddenly in the headlines of national newspapers, with healthy people - even athletes - on the border between life and death boundary, a superbug. In fact, in 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has produced a comprehensive report on the culprits - MRSA.

MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus resistant to Areo) is caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus. Staph bacteria are normallythe skin or nose. In fact, one third of the population leads staphylococci on the skin or in the nose, according to the Mayo Clinic. These people are "colonized" but not infected. In other words, germs cause. The germs are usually harmless until it enters the body through open wounds. Once inside, the MRSA strains of Staphylococcus particularly dangerous because they are resistant to common antibiotics.

The participants in fitness programs aresusceptible to infections caused by staphylococci, including MRSA, since the bacteria can spread through cuts, abrasions and skin contact. Similarly, shares towels or sports equipment can cause infections with MRSA. The following tips will help you protect against MRSA in training opportunities:

1st Wash your hands. The number one means of defense against germs is always wash your hands. Wash your hands before and after training. Rub for at least 15 seconds and dry withDisposable towel.
2nd shower. After each workout, take a shower as soon as possible. Scrub with soap and water. More than the microbes will have the opportunity to remain active in your body covered with sweat, the more you can enter through a small open wound.
3rd spraying equipment. Gyms fitness facilities available to provide more cleaning and disinfecting wipes or spray for your use. Spray treatment of cardio equipment before use. Spray dumbbell weightor a towel between you and the weight.
4th you buy your carpet. For classes that require bare feet and bare skin to touch on the mat, such as yoga, is under your belt always the safest option.
5th washing in hot water. If you do laundry and sportswear, the use of water "attitude" hot and dry with hot air. And always wash and towels after each use!
6th We do not share. When I was a child, it was learned that it is polite to share,But that is not to extend to issues of personal hygiene. Never take your own towels, razors, personal hygiene items, or even athletic wear with the others. MRSA can be spread through contaminated objects.

If you receive a suspicious wound, ask your doctor and ask to be tested for MRSA. The player may initially seem like a big pimple or insect bite. You know, it is likely to be infected if the damage, redness, swelling, warmth, tenderness and pus, yellowish-white.

OnceHave you visited when you are with your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, be sure to take all doses even after the infection seems to be improving. The last dose of your antibiotics kill some of the most difficult of the bacterium.

