วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

It is this body which I speak?

They are so excited that you will find the local club and group fitness (aerobics) class start. It begins smoothly enough, until you hear your teacher say, hear, "on the body and change accordingly." You think .. WHAT? My Aerobics really think that my body will tell me? Hear what? "What I expect to hear?

The instructor is to inform you that we are sometimes in understanding the ability of the gym for the body responsibleand limitations. Even if the monitor is well trained to identify how the participants in the exercise group settings and not recognize all the same, at the same time, they can not see or hear what your body is almost like you say. The instructor proposing will know that only he / she reads your external signs, try to teach you to listen to your body and should any changes to the most complex or high-impactMovements. The changes that you the options you need to keep your training safely and efficiently.

Your body can say a number of ways. Have you ever repeated exercises for a period of time and experienced a burning sensation? This feeling is the accumulation of excess hydrogen ions and lactate in the muscles. E 'signal to slow down and let your muscles, they need to recover and reach a level of oxygen to get to theto maintain.

What do you think your body tells you if you are short of breath? It is very likely to write to you that the intensity is too high and he wants more oxygen. Slow down and treat yourself to relax your lungs. If you use a class by itself, that the same sense tells you that you are working on an appropriate high intensity for such shorter period of time. Their ability to maintain the intensity of training is to increase with time.

If it does not hurt to do. The adage is true inOperation. The pain is a signal your body that something is being done. Slow down or stop immediately. Ask your teacher or trainer to ensure that you properly execute the movement. If pain persists, you can consult your personal physician.

You have said that if the man from Nice, you have everything in the gym that regular exercise gives you more energy, but your body tells you exhausted at the end of your exercise routine. This can be done on the training, not enoughRecovery time between workouts, or are you difficult to slide during the workout. Slow down, I remember the FITT principle [http://www.fitlaunch.com/articles/artfitt.htm], which provides the elements for your optimum health are available. It provides exercise guidelines for the exercise intensity, duration, type and frequency.

And above what you see in the mirror, your body speaks to you when it comes to your diet. It is the low energy, constipation is a problemJoints and muscles, even over a standard exercise and the recovery period hurt? These are all examples of your body we propose not an optimal diet and changes must be made.

Pay attention to your body. He can say many things. When we talk about .. and listen to follow his advice.

Let your ego lead you to try to keep the person on the step, treadmill, or a squat rack in your area. Only six competitorsagainst your best part. The use of changes to your fitness trainer or group undertake the investment life-time use of a professional certified personal trainer at least you get to go. Will not be long until another step to keep pace with the will.

Make it a day to stay healthy!

