Yesterday evening after work I went to the track with my fartlek The hunnay the D and some of them. I had not done one of these at least 3 years. The first time I landed, I pulled a muscle and put a basket on my training. Aerobic exercises are in turn the speed of a sprint between the aerobic and anaerobic easier. Aerobics is good for aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, since both sides of the fence they are interested in fitness.
Fast-forward toYesterday on the track.
Well, I thought that one reason for the violations on the first try because I did not really warmed up. I took this decision to play the tape in my head and go over what was on that fateful day 3 years ago.
One might think that I learn from my mistakes, but I did not.
I ignored the heat of yesterday. After walking for a ride, I began farklets. Later, the 14 repetitions, ending the session. Basically, I wasSprint lines and walk or jog very slowly to the end. I was surprised that I have not really lost, because the heart rate increases, and I was also surprised that I wanted to run more in the corners, instead of walking by themselves, as has been repeatedly raised.
I started a little "tight on my left Achilles tendon, but I said that was my lack of heating. Overall, a very fun to follow it.
I am eager to do it again next week.Mainly because the meeting was a bit "on the short side to win all the benefits of fartlek.
Run Stats
Distance: 10 laps 1 / 4 miles 2.5 kilometers
Time: 21 minutes
Worth mentioning: rule aerobics! I am surprised that many of them today. On another point: I think I need a new pair of shoes, maybe a few new Brooks Addiction 7s in stock.