วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Lose Fat Like a Pro Boxer With a Jump Rope Cardio Workout

Tired of boring cardio routines? Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes is not my idea of fun. There are much better ways to a great cardio workout to get super fast and effectively. This is by jumping rope. You probably remember to do it as a child in school. Now let me tell you, it's not just for kids! Here are just a few reasons why you should go get a rope and try it out.

Dirt Cheap

The majority of cardio equipment can range from a few hundred dollars toa few thousand. A jump rope on the other side, you should not cost more than $ 10. That's a pretty amazing deal for a piece of cardio equipment. You can save a collection of every sport or suitability. Some department stores also have them in stock. You do not need the leather on those who can use boxers. A cheap plastic an equally work well. You can press it for one of these probably here for a few dollars.

Use it Anywhere

A rope can be used directlyoverall. You can at home indoors and out. You can also use a local park or at the gym. To throw it in your pocket or handbag and take it with you wherever you go. They are also ideal for sneaking in a quick cardio workout on your lunch break.

The only restriction is if a jump rope inside, you must make sure that the ceiling is high enough. The typical 8 or 9-foot ceiling is not high enough, unless you are really short. For home use, you are better off jumpingRope in the open or in the garage.

Fast Workout

Until you've tried it, you will not believe how quickly a jump rope to get your heart pumping. You want to start with just the first few times, and limit yourself to very short training sessions. Only 5 or 10 minutes will do it. Trust me, you will be sweating buckets in that short time!

Give you try jumping rope. It's a killer cardio workout, fast, effective and inexpensive.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Yoga Inside Out: Go Deeper [intermediate-advanced]

Yoga Inside Out: Go Deeper [intermediate-advanced] Review

This is a wonderful DVD, however, I would say it's more for the beginner yogi (1-3 years of practice) I would highly recommend this dvd if your beginning students want to work on going deeper with their home practice. I would recommend checking out Tamara's Yoga FusionTAMARA'S YOGA FUSION

Yoga Inside Out: Go Deeper [intermediate-advanced] Feature

  • Yoga Inside Out - Go Deeper focuses on body mechanics and optimal alignment to maximize the benefits of yoga practice and expand strength and flexibility at the intermediate - advanced level. Created by Paula Tursi, Founder and Director of NYC-based Reflections Yoga, the program focuses on awareness of the mechanics and dynamics of the spine to deepen the benefits of yoga practice by fully dev

Yoga Inside Out: Go Deeper [intermediate-advanced] Overview


Yoga Inside Out: Go Deeper [intermediate-advanced] Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 29, 2009 05:56:05

วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Learn to Dance - An Exciting New Era of Learn to Dance at Home is Evolving

An exciting new series of Learn to Dance instructional videos which has encouraged to learn to dance, and fitness is quickly recognized. At a time when ill with "well-being and healthy culture," Dance is an exciting innovation populated lifestyle. It offers friendship and fitness with a new perspective in life.

Cha Cha is a dance of the Latin American mode of ballroom dancing, where it is known as Cha Cha become. In general, Cha Cha is onecharismatic dance and a joy to watch. Leave from TV shows like Dancing with the Stars inspire ChaCha and other forms of dance, "which now learn at home.

Rumba is another of the dances. American style rumba is determined by the movement of the hip from the bending and stretching characterized the knee. Rumba is a sensual Latin dance, is considered erotic for his hip movement and a relatively slow pace. It is a slow dance, and perhaps what isadds sensuality.

Tango. The complex numbers of this style was considered the foundation for the style of tango in the touring stage shows. The dance was simplified and adapted to the preferences of traditional dancers. Most dance teachers recognize that conclusions that are easy to learn and to cover the new methods have the true spirit of the dance required.

Salsa. The dance steps currently being danced to salsa music from the "son" but comeinfluenced by many other Cuban dances such as Mambo. Solo salsa steps are as "Illuminating. Salsa is an improvised dance, taking any form the interpreter wishes. The free-flowing series of salsa add a sexy feel to this popular dance.

The waltz is danced for centuries in many forms. It has become a dance of grace and elegance. The waltz is recognized as smooth and graceful dance and it is characterized mainly by its Rise & FallAction. The waltz has presented a unique freedom of expression, including the ability to character and theatrical presentation.

Samba. The festive mood and style of dance fits most of the popular music of today. Samba is a fun dance, held-to-day is popular. The dance can go on average at a very fast pace. The dancer simply follows the beat of the music, while an instructor can simply add moves and technique depends on the mood of the music.

Foxtrot isa universal and social dance, and can be danced to music on variety. Unlike Slow Foxtrot, it is easy to learn and can be danced on a crowded dance floor. It is seen as one of the great social dances, and can be danced to medium and fast tempo of the music. The ease of learning is a wonderful dancer would have been expressed.

Jive was introduced to competitions in 1968, when the fifth dance in the Latin section. Jive is out with its high tempo. It is an energeticDance with dance steps in the triple-step, a set ourselves and the other back. The introduction of a unique step-by-step learning has to learn this lively dance a simple dance.

In conclusion, dance schools and professional dance coaches, innovative and free new ways to dance the art of learning made available. Dance New techniques are available to learn at home. There are hours of funthat combined cardiac and physical fitness with the joy of dance.

วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

DJ Dizzy's Dance Hizzy

DJ Dizzy's Dance Hizzy Review

Yeah, i picked this up on a whim and turns out my 3 kids love it (boys and girls between 4 and 12) It's fun and they found it really easy to learn the moves. Lots of simple instruction and cool dance moves they do all the time around the house. check it out

DJ Dizzy's Dance Hizzy Feature

DJ Dizzy's Dance Hizzy Overview

Welcome to DJ Dizzy's Dance Hizzy. This high energy instructional DVD teaches kids fun dance styles like hip-hop, break dancing, jazz, ballet, mambo, freestyle, and more! Dance along with world-class choreographers Evan Alekzander, Dan "The Man" Nier, and "The Groove Crew" as they show you how much fun exercising and learning can be! DJ Dizzy's step-by-step instruction is easy to follow, totally fun, and can be learned at any pace by kids at every level! Learn to dance like N'Sync, Justin Timberlake, Usher, and other SUPERSTARS!

DJ Dizzy's Dance Hizzy Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 27, 2009 03:26:05

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Yoga Booty Ballet Complete Workout System

Yoga Booty Ballet Complete Workout System Review

Yoga Bootie Ballet, instructions are great easy to follow. I lost over 5 inches first week. Works all areas of the body. Only CD you'll need. Men and woman both can use.

Yoga Booty Ballet Complete Workout System Feature

Yoga Booty Ballet Complete Workout System Overview

Studio: Starz/sphe Release Date: 10/31/2006 Run time: 204 minutes Rating: Nr

Yoga Booty Ballet Complete Workout System Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 25, 2009 17:14:08

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Fit Are You?

Your heart rate is the number of beats per minute (BPM) Your heart pumps blood through the body. Its also one of the best indicators of your cardiovascular fitness. During exercise your heart rate, you can enter an exact idea of how hard you train, and weather you need to increase the pace or back size.

You maximum heart rate (MHF) is the fastest your heart beat in one minute. You can predict or estimate this number by subtracting your age in220th year Your optimum training zone is between 60-70% of the MHF. At this rate, your body's cardiovascular system will perform most efficiently. It is with oxygen, but a carbohydrate energy as glycogen, which is the best fuel for your workout.

Most people have a resting heart rate (RP) of 60-80 BPM. The fitter you are, the lower heart rate. The time that you get the most accurate heart rate is in the morning before you get out of bed and after agood sleep. Remove your RHR is how you are fitter and your heart gets stronger. The heart is a muscle and like any other muscle if you work, it will get bigger and stronger. Is that the larger and stronger, more efficient, it becomes less pumps provide flows the same blood.

BMI (Body Mass Index)

The BMI is used internationally to a person in relation to the ideal weight to calculate altitude. A BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, less than 18.5 under the weight and more than 25is overweight.

To calculate BMI in metric measurements:

Weight in kg / (height in meters * height in meters)

For example, 57 kg / 1.7 m * 1.7 m) = 19.6

To calculate BMI in U.S. measurements:

Weight in kg / (height in cm * Height in cm) * 703

Eg (125 lbs / (67 * 67) * 703 = 19.6

What most people do not know, is the BMI calculation was developed in 1800, as a man and a very different body types so if your BMI over 25 you can usethis fact as an excuse.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Denise Druce: Asian Funk

Denise Druce: Asian Funk Review

Denise Druce: Asian Funk Feature

Denise Druce: Asian Funk Overview

Denise Druce: Asian Funk Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 22, 2009 21:09:04

วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What I Like About Water Aerobics

The swimming pool is no longer the exclusive domain of the swimmer. Water aerobics is to improve the cardiovascular fitness to lead more active and endurance through the use of muscles that gain in strength.

People of all ages and all fitness levels can perform water aerobics because only 10 to 15 percent of body weight not supported by water buoyancy. It leads to less tension is placed on the joints during aquatic activities in comparisonTraining in the country.

As a result of the buoyancy that the water, but also with the support received by a body from the water there is much less worried about putting muscle, bone or joint injuries. Mainly because water aerobics are generally high water for both swimmers and non-performed in the chest from him dressed.

Water is a perfect choice not only for healthy people, but also for those who may be suffering a medical state such as people with arthritis, neck and back pain asas well as strokes and overweight people. Water aerobics is a body force, more energy and to receive on average 450 to 700 calories burned during one hour of water aerobics.

Water aerobics shoes

There are many benefits that can be obtained through water aerobic exercises and for this purpose one needs adequate water aerobics shoes, the traction will provide help lead to greater stability in the water.

The water aerobics shoes protect the feetfrom Getting Any slight cuts or scratches in the case of the pool has a rough surface. Water aerobics shoes are usually in all department stores and sports shops.

Take advantage of water exercise dumbbells

Water aerobics weights are very different from the metal and plastic weights can be found in the gym. Instead, come, come in a different weight, the water aerobic weights in the selection of resistance. People who are not suitable for other types of aerobic activities carried outbecause of problems such as arthritis are able, water-aerobic activities.

Water Aerobics Equipment

The water aerobics equipment is very useful in eliminating the pain and the effects of the exercise routine. If the depth of the water used to be higher than chest level certain flotation devices in deep water area and there are also other instruments such as kick boards and hand buoys that are used.

No matter that it only looks better fitness haveLevels, or simply want to shed some excess weight, or even perform better at a sport of water aerobics equipment provides an excellent solution in addressing these and other objectives, such as recovery from injury, limiting arthritis and other types of drug problems.

Hazards in the water aerobics routine

Correctly before you will be equipped to your routine. Water aerobics routines are cool and fun way of aerobic exercise in the heat and water aerobics --simply help the drudgery of other routine exercise regime.

You should try water aerobics routines in moderate temperature swimming pools and beyond should be water aerobics routines also be adjusted to individual requirements that are more restrictions and levels of fitness. With the resistance that water offers the exercise equipment in all directions, it is much better suited than others to land exercises where you work against gravity.

Water AerobicsBenefits

A water aerobic workout for many people who do not participate in a regular aerobics program beneficial. You have a request for aerobic exercise, but can not with the effects of high diversity, offer many classes? Why not try to benefit from a water aerobics for the least influence, but the aerobic.

The standard of a water-aerobics training is the same as other aerobic activities that you want to increase your heart rate and keep them for at least 20 minutes. TheTeachers are generally using music and choreography as in other aerobics classes, and you can also work with tools such as kick boards or wrist weights.

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics classes have plenty of benefits for newcomers and older participants. Help in this type of new health breakthroughs, more and more teachers are developing new movements, the body.

For example, you can learn how to run build heart strength in comparison to water-aerobicsClasses. It does not matter if you go to a class, because they know do solid work, fun, exercises and new people in their classes.

วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Divas of Dance

Divas of Dance Review

This DVD is a release from Natural Journeys, makers of many dance-type fitness videos. Although Natural Journeys includes their standard exercise disclaimer at the start of the video, it is NOT a workout; rather, it is a performance video featuring a variety of dance styles. The performances are short (2.5 to 6 minutes), and many appear as bonus features on other Natural Journeys DVDs. This DVDs is well-chaptered, so I have provided detailed breakdowns according to the chapter listings below:

1. Yanna Yanna. Bellydance featuring Suhaila and company; 3.5 minutes. Here, Suhaila and her dancers perform using hand cymbals.

2. Bolera Salsa. Latin dance featuring Joby 'Brava' and Paco Evangelista, 3m. This is a couples dance and was included in Joby's Latin Heat video.

3. Move Like You Should. Street dance featuring MaDonna Grimes and 3 other women, 2 minutes.

4. Egyptian Style Drum Solo. Bellydance featuring Rania, 2 minutes. Rania is probably my favorite bellydancer; she moves so well and has such an alluring smile.

5. Alegria. Flamenco dance featuring Batiste Gremaud (dancer) and Sergey Tarana (guitarist), 6 minutes. I don't know much about this style, so it's difficult for me to comment.

6. Mata Hari. Bellydance featuring Jayna, 4 minutes. Sultry Jayna is perfect in the Mata Hari role, and she dances here using a scarf.

7. The Hot Springs Shuffle. Country line dance featuring Joann Bailey, 3 minutes. Although this is described on the DVD cover as a "line dance," Joanne is alone in her cowboy hat and jeans, and I found that it quickly became repetitive and boring to watch.

8. Salsa Merengue. Latin dance featuring Joby 'Brava' and four other women, 2.5 minutes. Here Joby and company dance as a group, but each dancer has a brief solo as well.

9. Saidi Cane Dance from Upper Egypt. Bellydance featuring Rania, 4 minutes. Here Rania dances solo using a cane as a prop.

10. Take Me Back. Street dance featuring MaDonna Grimes and 2 men, 4 women, 3 minutes. This segment was kind of funny--the men and the women kept splitting up and pretending that they were actually on the street playing dice, etc. It includes some brief solo performances.

11. El Baile De Luis Alonso. Flamenco dance featuring Batiste Gremaud (dancer) and Sergey Tarana (guitarist), 3 minutes. Similar to the first performance; I couldn't really get into this.

12. Sword Dance. Bellydance featuring Suhaila and company; 4 minutes. This was probably the most interesting performance to watch. Suhaila and company utilize swords as props, and many of the moves are performed on the floor in kneeling and other positions. The often balance the swords on their bodies (using the blade edge, NOT the flat edge); seeing the group balance their swords on their heads while performing many different gyrating movements is pretty amazing!

This DVD also features a photo gallery of all performers plus trailers from 11 other Natural Journeys releases (mostly dance videos, but also 2 yoga videos featuring Rainbeau Mars). If you've enjoyed watching the bonus performances on other Natural Journeys DVD or simply are a fan of various dance styles, you are likely to enjoy this video.

Divas of Dance Feature

Divas of Dance Overview

- 12 sizzling performances!
- Spectacular dances from around the world
- 50 minutes of pure entertainment!

This amazing collection features spectacular routines from some of the world’s hottest dancers. From bellydance to Hip Hop to sultry Latin moves, this electrifying program is 50 minutes of pure entertainment.

The sultry and expressive moves of bellydance are performed by acclaimed dance artists Rania, Suhaila and Jayna. Classic Spanish and Flamenco dances are showcased by Batiste Gremaud, while MaDonna Grimes moves and grooves with Hip Hop freestyle routines. The program includes the hottest Latin dance moves from Joby 'Brava', and a lively country line dance from Joanne Bailey.

Program Features:

* 6 solo dances, 6 group performances
* Spellbinding bellydance routines
* High energy Hip Hop moves
* Salsa and Flamenco routines heat up dance floor
* Country line dance solo

Anamorphic Widescreen

Divas of Dance Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 20, 2009 11:41:15

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ways To Achieve Natural Beauty, Fitness And Health

Eating the right foods, cleaning and moistening the skin, are exercising regularly all help to keep you looking good. If you do not see, when you realize themselves, that have also added vitamins and minerals or with beauty treatments is only a temporary effect. After a long-term health and beauty regime for men and women who will keep looking skin is clear and healthy, your body in shape your nails strong and your hair naturally shiny. You'll also findthat environmental factors such as cold, do not emit toxic pollution and the daily stresses of life in a position to affect your health or what you look like and that you have built up a natural resistance to everyday factors that cause bad skin, brittle nails can dull hair and dry skin. But how do you know?

There are several ways to natural beauty. First of all, you should cleanse, tone and moisture your face twice a day, once when getting up in the morning and once beforeYou go to bed. You should also get a face mask once a week, either a deep cleansing or moisturizing, appropriate to what you feel your skin needs.

Help with a body scrub once a week to remove dead surface skin cells and keep your skin healthy look. You can use many different body scrubs and beauty products you find on the market with different characteristics that can help you protect your skin natural balance.

You should also do a manicure and pedicure once or twice a month. Their SoakingNails and feet in relaxing oils will help to detoxify and moisturize and keep it smooth search. She Filing your nails and pushing back the cuticles are always keep your nails properly.

Wash your hair regularly with a moisturizing and conditioning mask once a week, strengthening the hair is soft and manageable. After regular strips also will stop the hair from splitting and they grow faster and stronger.

You should also eat a balanced diet with a lotFruit and vegetables to keep your body in shape and look healthy. Enough protein, omega fatty acids and the reduction in caloric intake will help you keep fit and train regularly, and following some kind of fitness program.

So you can move through the stay only a few hours a week on beauty and health, visit the search keeps fit and healthy skin, hair and nails strong and bright.

วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cerebellum Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout For Beginners 2volume [dvd]

Cerebellum Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout For Beginners 2volume [dvd] Review

Cerebellum Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout For Beginners 2volume [dvd] Feature

Cerebellum Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout For Beginners 2volume [dvd] Overview

Studio: Cerebellum Corporation Release Date: 11/20/2007 Run time: 80 minutes

Cerebellum Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout For Beginners 2volume [dvd] Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 17, 2009 09:49:09

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Yoga Dance Fusion

Yoga Dance Fusion Review

I think Patricia Moreno is a great instructor. There's not much dance here actually, but particularly the 30 minute "express workout" is really quite good: works especially butt and hamstrings. I also really love the music.

Yoga Dance Fusion Feature

  • One of the biggest complaints about cardio routines is that they are boring, or become repetitive over time. There s no risk of that happening with this exciting program that merges the cardio benefits of dance with sculpting and toning yoga routines designed to work together for the ultimate fun workout. Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HEALTH/FITNESS Rating: NR Age: 018713523402

Yoga Dance Fusion Overview

One of the biggest complaints about cardio routines is that they are boring or become repetitive over time. There s no risk of that happening with this exciting program that merges the cardio benefits of dance with sculpting and toning yoga routines designed to work together for the ultimate fun workout. Genre: HEALTH/FITNESS UPC: 018713523402 Manufacturer No: 05-52340

Yoga Dance Fusion Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 16, 2009 03:47:05

วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cardio For Six Pack Abs

Cardiovascular training or cardio as we know it is an aerobic solution that will allow for more oxygen pumped through the body and thus more energy, muscle or burn fat. Recent research suggests that if you six pack stomach and a body like a 100-meter runner, like, less really is more. So whats the best heart for a six-pack.

HIT - High Intensity Interval Training.

What is it? Well, it basically makes you work harder with less time. So forget aboutThe ancient idea of spending hours on the treadmill. All you really need is 20 minutes, to a varied pace. Here's the reason, a new study showed that long steady state may actually start burning muscle for cardiac energy. Now your muscles fat burner that is yes, the more muscle mass you have the higher metabolism. Why do you want to burn your muscles?

On the other hand HITT is anaerobic, like weight training, is because the intensity varies. After a workout your resistanceMetabolism is continuously increased, as it tries to repair your body. Enter the interval training, which is exactly the same. After slow and boring low intensity cardio your metabolism returns to normal, however with HITT your body's' metabolism is raised up to the next 24 hours, sometimes up to 48 hours! To train with intensity.

So when it comes to a Six-Pack-heart to go the next time your gym on your chosen cardio machine or jogging ... try this. For the next 20 minutes --

Warm up for 4 minutes.
Run at 8.0 kmh for 1 minute (your level 6-7)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes your (Level 5)
Run at 9.0 kmh for 1 minute (your level 7-8)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes your (Level 5)
Run at 10.0 km / h for 1 minute (your level 8-9)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes your (Level 5)
Run at 11.0 km / h for 1 minute (your level 9-10)
Walk or slow jog at 5-6 kmh for 2 minutes your (Level 5)
Cool down for 4 minutes.

Aboutis a hill style of HITT training. There are many more. Finally, I would like to ask a question when it comes to six pack abs heart. Would you prefer to look like a marathon runner, running at a steady constant rate over a long period of time or you want to be like a muscle 100m sprinters look look?

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Tru2form: Latin Grooves - Latin Dance Workout

Tru2form: Latin Grooves - Latin Dance Workout Review

Tru2form: Latin Grooves - Latin Dance Workout Feature

  • The Hot Dance Cardio Workout! If you love the rhythms of Latin music and the beauty of Latino dance then you will love working out to Latin Grooves! A spicy combination of easy to follow dance steps that will have you moving from Mambos to Cha-Chas while burning fat and toning muscles in a 30 minute total body challenge. is a series of dance inspired cardio routines that will have all your friend

Tru2form: Latin Grooves - Latin Dance Workout Overview

The Hot Dance Cardio Workout!
If you love the rhythms of Latin music and the beauty of Latino dance then you will love working out to Latin Grooves! A spicy combination of easy to follow dance steps that will have you moving from Mambos to Cha-Chas while burning fat and toning muscles in a 30 minute total body challenge. is a series of dance inspired cardio routines that will have all your friends wanting to know where you learned them and how you look so good!

Rating: NR
Age: 018713535900
UPC: 018713535900
Manufacturer No: 05-53590

Tru2form: Latin Grooves - Latin Dance Workout Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 12, 2009 12:04:05

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Dance Meditation - 2 Easy, Energizing and Relaxing Techniques

Meditation is an ancient method of calming breathing techniques and observe focus the mind: what happens in the moment, improvement of relaxation and awareness. Dance meditation is simple, reducing stress, stimulating, and effective way to solve muscular tension. Both men and women find that meditation does dance a relaxed and focused mind and body.

You need only walk with the music, and weigh the benefits of dance-meditation to enjoy. It is notare required to have a skilled dancers for a satisfying meditation experience. Dance meditation is not about dance technique, but it is a movement, meditation, where it's beautiful in any way that you feel good to dance.

Almost any activity can take place to allow an internal meditation, calming the mind chatter and relaxation. Each of these popular meditation techniques can be combined with dance-meditation:

* From visualization of imagesNature, like a beach scene or the night sky;

* Focus on those muscles are tense and then relax them one by one;

* Monitoring the rhythm of your breath flowing in and out;

* Focus on an external object, like a candle or a statue;

* Speaking meditation with a prayer, singing, or singing;

* Walking meditation.

There are various forms of dance meditation, as are various forms of dance:Belly dance and tribal dances developed from ancient times and has merged with meditation. Belly dancing and meditation are both ancient arts that have developed up to modern times. Some teachers teach bellydance movement meditation techniques for stress reduction and relaxation, as belly dancing and meditation together so well.

There are differences between dance meditation and other meditation. The eyes remain open to avoid when moving meditations,Collision with surrounding objects, while many other meditations are performed with closed eyes. Instead of mudras (finger is required, as they used to be used in yoga meditation) meditations abstract dance movements of the arms and hands.

What you need for a basic dance meditation:

* Relaxing music with a slow pace.

* A relaxed, quiet and safe environment.

* Comfortable clothes you can move - no restrictions, belt ortight pants.

A basic belly dance meditation technique:

* Use a slow song from a CD to inspire belly-dance movements.

* In a relaxed standing position Begin, arms alongside the body.

* Concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing, slowly flowing in and out.

* Let's raise our arms, down, or a way that feels comfortable, reflecting the rhythm of the music or the rhythm of breathing.

* Feel the bodyprovide a relaxing, stress dissolves well with each exhalation, letting go outward.

* Sway, walk, or do simple dance steps, moves with the rhythm of the music.

* Only continue for a time, more and more relaxed.

* Slowly wind down and end your meditation, sit quietly and watch the relaxed feeling that you achieved. The next time you meditate, it will be easier to get to this relaxed place, because you have already learnedit.

Veil Meditation

Meditation with a veil is another popular form of meditation, belly dancing try to, it is easy to learn and very relaxing. To a veil meditation, playing with a soft three-meter length of cloth about 40 inches is not wide, so that the air flow as you move around with your hands, what the flow of music and rhythmic energy.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cardio Workouts at Home - How to Do Them With No Equipment

Close your eyes and think of cardio workout at home. Well, I'm not a mind reader, but I think many of your thoughts jogging on a treadmill or riding a bicycle trainer. Or maybe you've thought of some other exercise equipment designed for cardio training.

But the fact is you need no equipment at all get a great workout at home. All you need is your own body, and get the desire, a great whole body training. Here's how ...

Use Bodyweight Calisthenics

BwGymnastics consist of both bodyweight strength exercises and fast-paced aerobics exercises that stress the heart and lung endurance. And you need no equipment at all to get a great workout.

Plus, the combination of bodyweight exercises and gymnastics to train you a better view than if you just jogged on a treadmill to get to them, went on a bicycle. Just think about it. Body weight exercises can be used to improve strength and performance of all the muscles in the body. And gymnastics used fullMovements of the body to increase heart and lung power.

Basically, it ends in a better overall workout than most cardio workouts at home, with equipment.

Cardio Workouts At Home: Example

Exercise Let's pick 3 common bodyweight exercises and gymnastics 1st We will work with push-ups, squats, crunches and jumping jacks.

Here is how you do it:

Do 10 repetitions of each exercise, bodyweight in a circuit without rest. Then immediately do 30 seconds puppets. Repeat this for10 minutes.

What you see is quick and easy to train provided a full body workout and a great cardio workout in one. And frankly, this is a better training to do than aerobic exercise on a computer for 20 minutes. And exercises with literally hundreds of bodyweight exercises to choose from ... You will never want to leave will be for a cardio workout at home.

If you device ... Use Bodyweight Interval Circuits

If you have a treadmill or bicycle, you can stillin the action. Let's say you will ride the bike for 20 minutes. All 5 minutes directly in front of the bike, and run a circuit of bodyweight exercises as described above. Your boring cardio workout just a whole lot more interesting and more efficient.

Do not be holding a training and exercise equipment at home you from getting a great cardiovascular workout. In fact, it could be a blessing in disguise. You'll find that weight training exercises are much more effective forImproving fitness, burning fat and building an attractive, athletic body, as with aerobics.

Try it and see for yourself!

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cardio Dance - Get Yourself to Lose Sweat and Have Some Fun While Burning Your Fats

If you are the dreary, routine-filled, tired of monotonous exercise that your gym offers, or the tedious step-by-step training video that you have at home, then you should be able to try cardio dance. This form of exercise promises to deliver all the benefits of a strenuous workout, but added with a big dose of fun to the mix. Finally, it can not help but feel good about the preparation and listen to the music or the latest hottest beats?

The main lure of the Cardio Dance is that it is out of the"boring" factor out of regular exercise. The usual routine is changed to resemble dance steps that are fun to do and at the same time, very effective in making you sweat and make you burn all those extra fats. Below are more good reasons why you should enroll yourself in a cardio dance class:

* There are varieties of dance styles to choose from. Some gyms offer salsa based cardio exercises, while others offer more current dance forms, such as Hip-Hop. It really depends on what kind you are comfortable with. Be adventurous!
* Gain enrollment in a cardio dance program, you can have many friends. The atmosphere is not so serious, and you find yourself laugh and enjoy your workouts with other members.
* The program offers many levels, from beginner to expert, and you can jump right into the plain, where you feel most comfortable with to.
* The training, despite its very fun premise, is actuallyvery effective. You go to tone your body, from the feet up arms. Everything is set in motion, and you'll be sweating buckets by the end of the routine!
* Since the training does not require much equipment, you can learn the movements and practice or training by heart at home. All you need is your music player, and you're good to go!

With Cardio Dance, you will realize that the burning of fat and weight loss is not too boring and monotonous. It can be a lot of funand exciting, too!

วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Skinny Bitch Fitness: Booty Bounce

Skinny Bitch Fitness: Booty Bounce Review

I wish these Ladies were my BEST FRIENDS - I love the humor and fun of working out with them. I am a Skinny Bitch and Loving it!!!

Skinny Bitch Fitness: Booty Bounce Feature

  • Shake 'em if you got 'em! This dance-based aerobic workout hits all our fat girl partsbut we're keepin' it fun and we're gettin' jiggy. With a hint of Om, a dash of basic ballet, and a whole lot 'a booty bouncin', were gonna look hot while we get hot! So kiss your sorry excuses and your fat butt goodbye! It's time to bounce that booty into Skinny Bitch shape! Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HEA

Skinny Bitch Fitness: Booty Bounce Overview

Shake 'em if you got 'em! This dance-based aerobic workout hits all our fat girl partsbut we're keepin' it fun and we're gettin' jiggy. With a hint of Om, a dash of basic ballet, and a whole lot 'a booty bouncin', were gonna look hot while we get hot! So kiss your sorry excuses and your fat butt goodbye! It's time to bounce that booty into Skinny Bitch shape!

Rating: NR
Age: 883929049585
UPC: 883929049585
Manufacturer No: 1000045488

Skinny Bitch Fitness: Booty Bounce Specifications

The two gorgeous (and thin) ladies who launched the Skinny Bitch phenomenon are now putting their legwarmers where their sassy mouths are. This workout, a dance-routine with several options, is a great overall workout that really is fun to do. The authors/class leaders, Rory Friedman and Kim Barnouin, are not professional dancers, and freely admit it--which is part of what makes the workout so fun. The women seem to be having a blast as they add on Jane Fonda-esque moves, building to a very decent cardio workout that targets the rear and the core. "Every woman, no matter her shape, as long as she loves herself and takes care of herself, is a skinny bitch," insists Friedman during the workout. While the phrase may sound harsh to some, clearly it's a motivator and term of endearment to the wildly successful authors--who sweat up a storm on camera along with the rest of us. The routines include a comprehensive warmup, and then a choice of an '80s-based aerobics routine or a more contemporary hip-hop workout, which can be combined or done separately. Those with joint issues will want to wear shoes throughout the routine, though it will make some of the balletic moves a little more challenging. Extras include interviews and outtakes with Friedman and Barnouin, for those who can't get enough of the Skinny Bitch philosophy, and an extremely helpful interview with the mastermind behind the routines, fitness trainer Patrick Goudeau. --A.T. Hurley

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 07, 2009 23:21:05

วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Richard Simmons - Disco Sweat

Richard Simmons - Disco Sweat Review

I can't tell you how much fun I have had using this workout video. Richard is so campy, fun and flamboyant that you can't help but laugh while working out. He makes the routines fun and interesting and is so encouraging! Always telling you "Don't give up! You can do it!" And just when the routine becomes faster and more intense, he puts your fears to rest by telling you to 'just do the best you can!'. I have lost over 85 pounds in the last few months and I have done it with Richard's help! If you are like me, going to the gym and working out in front of tons of people does not sound like fun. I can do this in the comfort of my own home and let me tell you, it is quite a workout! What I have noticed with Richard's videos is that you can really do it at your own pace. The moves might seem easy, but if you really work and put a lot into it, it is an excellent form of exercise. I have had this DVD for weeks now and have only done the first 45 minutes! The entire DVD is around 75 minutes, so I am looking forward to more, new routines! The songs are great and you'll have them stuck in your head all day. And what I also love about this video is that there are REAL people behind Richard doing the moves with you! Not thin, skinny people, but real people who are struggling with weight just like we all are! Whenever I feel tired or that I can't do the next routine, I look at those people and say 'if they can do it, I can!' and am immediately encouraged. Please give this DVD a try, you won't be disappointed!

Richard Simmons - Disco Sweat Feature

Richard Simmons - Disco Sweat Overview

Studio: Gaiam Americas Release Date: 04/09/2002

Richard Simmons - Disco Sweat Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 06, 2009 20:48:06

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Micheline Berry's Liquid Asana: The Fluid Dance of Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Yoga Elixirs

Micheline Berry's Liquid Asana: The Fluid Dance of Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Yoga Elixirs Review

I bought this DVD a year ago directly from Micheline's website. It's my favorite of the 3 and it has short practices (elixirs) that you can mix and match (no matrix). The first elixir is "Root Power" (18 mins) for toning hips legs & butt offers yogic squats variations , including full squats at the beginning which I don't like to do , especially when I'm not warmed up but the rest is fun yogic squats , standing cat and forward bends with fluid and creative transitions and variations , some similar to Shiva Rea's Creative Core & Lower Body. The second elixir "Total Core Power" (26 mins) is also somewhat similar to Shiva's Creative Core Abs but a little less challenging and features fun and creative core exercises , yogic ab exercises and bridge pose with variations.
Elixir 3 (15 min) - Dancing Warrior - 2 sun salutation variations.
Elixir 4 (26 min) - Rejuvinate - a relaxing segment of forward bends , twists , pigeon and shoulderstand. All of these elixirs are also divided in to sub chapters so you can easily skip and shorten each practice.
This DVD was shot in beautiful outdoor locations in Brazil and has great music from Shaman's Dream Rara Avis and more. I think this DVD is suitable for beginners with some experience in yoga.

Micheline Berry's Liquid Asana: The Fluid Dance of Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Yoga Elixirs Feature

  • Shot in the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil, LiquidASANA : The Fluid Dance of Vinyusa Flow Yoga, DVD Three, Yoga Elixirs are short practices designed to quickly energize, tone and strengthen specific parts of your body. You may use them alone, together in a sequence or as a supplement to Volumes 1 and 2. Designed for all levels of yoga experience, these Yoga Elixirs contain short, powerful sequences

Micheline Berry's Liquid Asana: The Fluid Dance of Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Yoga Elixirs Overview

Shot in the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil, LiquidASANA : The Fluid Dance of Vinyusa Flow Yoga, DVD Three, Yoga Elixirs are short practices designed to quickly energize, tone and strengthen specific parts of your body. You may use them alone, together in a sequence or as a supplement to Volumes 1 and 2. Designed for all levels of yoga experience, these Yoga Elixirs contain short, powerful sequences that will transform your body and activate yoga's rejuvenating power to help you stay youthful, tone and supple at any age.

Program Highlights:
  • Yoga Elixir 1: ROOT POWER - Toning Legs, Hips & Gluts (18 mins)
  • Yoga Elixir 2: TOTAL CORE POWER - Toning Abs (26 mins)
  • Yoga Elixir 3: DANCING WARRIOR - Full Body Flow (15 mins)
  • Yoga Elixir 4: REJUVENATE - Liquid Strength (26 mins)
  • Bonus Track 1: Prana Namaskar - Breathing Meditation (3 mins)
  • Bonus Track 2: Breath of Fire - Breathing Meditation (2mins)
  • liquidASANA Meditation Art Video

Rating: NR
Age: 181582000913
UPC: 181582000913
Manufacturer No: WD-501

Micheline Berry's Liquid Asana: The Fluid Dance of Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Yoga Elixirs Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 05, 2009 18:50:07

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Nekea Brown: Street Dance with Nekea Brown - Hip Hop Dance Workout

Nekea Brown: Street Dance with Nekea Brown - Hip Hop Dance Workout Review

Liked it alot. Wasn't too fast or too slow. Learned dance moves and got a great workout. I hope she puts out more.

Nekea Brown: Street Dance with Nekea Brown - Hip Hop Dance Workout Feature

Nekea Brown: Street Dance with Nekea Brown - Hip Hop Dance Workout Overview

Studio: Bayview/widowmaker Release Date: 03/20/2007 Run time: 36 minutes

Nekea Brown: Street Dance with Nekea Brown - Hip Hop Dance Workout Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 04, 2009 17:45:07

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ballroom Basics, Vol. 3: Tango

Ballroom Basics, Vol. 3: Tango Review

Ballroom Basics, Vol. 3: Tango Feature

  • The new series BALLROOM BASICS makes learning how to dance a very easy and affordable yet entertaining experience. Volume 3 of this series will have you dancing the Tango in no time. The DVD features individual dancing steps presented by Nathalie Reiss and Sven Walker, a professional dance couple. It also shows the dancers from various camera angles so you can see the steps from all perspectives.

Ballroom Basics, Vol. 3: Tango Overview

The new series BALLROOM BASICS makes learning how to dance a very easy and affordable yet entertaining experience. Volume 3 of this series will have you dancing the Tango in no time. The DVD features individual dancing steps presented by Nathalie Reiss and Sven Walker, a professional dance couple. It also shows the dancers from various camera angles so you can see the steps from all perspectives.

Rating: NR
Age: 880831037822
UPC: 880831037822
Manufacturer No: CAB-DV10378

Ballroom Basics, Vol. 3: Tango Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 03, 2009 15:44:08

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Kathy Smith: Flex Appeal - A Belly Dance Workout

Kathy Smith: Flex Appeal - A Belly Dance Workout Review

I bought this with the intent to use it for an ab workout and to get a little introduction into bellydancing. Since Kathy Smith is not a professional belly dancer I actually find her easier to follow than other videos I've attempted. She explains things well, and does not move too quickly, which is what I often find to be the problem with dance videos. She is SURROUNDED by professional belly dancers, and I do not think she is doing anything significantly worse than they are-- in fact, I was impressed! There's an additional training session with HER belly dancing teacher if you want some more tips.

The workout was very efficient-- I found myself very worked at the end, but throughout the vieo it was so fun I didn't even notice the workout I was getting!! This is especially fun to do in a little group, if you're not too embarrassed!

Definitely this video is for girls, and it makes you feel very sexy once you get the moves down. Way worth the purchase-- have fun!!

Kathy Smith: Flex Appeal - A Belly Dance Workout Feature

  • Get into great shape and feel sexier in the process. This exotic aerobic workout will do both while burning calories, limbering up and energizing the entire body. Using traditional dance steps of Bellydance, tone abs, legs, hips and arms while moving the body seductively in new fun and expressive ways. Feel fit and sexy in no time! Workot Summary: 20-minute segment guides you through the basic

Kathy Smith: Flex Appeal - A Belly Dance Workout Overview

Get into great shape and feel sexier in the process. This exotic aerobic workout will do both while burning calories, limbering up and energizing the entire body. Using traditional dance steps of Bellydance, tone abs, legs, hips and arms while moving the body seductively in new fun and expressive ways. Feel fit and sexy in no time!

Workot Summary: 20-minute segment guides you through the basic steps of Bellydance. Enjoy this slow and sensual routine as you gain confidence and self-esteem. 20-minute segments to fast hipmoves and core work designed to burn calories and work tone those abs. 10-minute Flex Appeal stretching routine combing yoga, pilates, and gentle restorative moves to rejuvenate the body. Bonus Features-- Learn a complete choreographed Bellydance routine to do on your own, or entertain that special someone. Enjoy the bonus "solo" dance by Bellydance Superstar, Ansuya and catch Kathy the "behind the scenes" segment.

Rating: NR
Age: 031398221555
UPC: 031398221555
Manufacturer No: 22155

Kathy Smith: Flex Appeal - A Belly Dance Workout Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 02, 2009 15:12:10

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Dance Lessons - Improve Your Ballroom Dancing With Better Balance

So, how do you go about the development of the elusive quality of balance? As in the previous article, "The first element - the mainstay" You start by understanding the following three items, and practice some simple exercises to develop them:

The mainstay
Vertical Alignment
Horizontal Alignment

In this article we will provide you with an easy exercise to develop your second item. An awareness of your Vertical Alignment.

The second element- "Vertical Alignment" refers to the vertical alignment of the three main body-blocks:


PRINT this page and try the following exercise

Stand in front of a full body mirror and sideways, so that you are looking in the mirror on either the left or right shoulder. Bring along your feet, ankles and toes touching a little away at a 45 degree angle.

Well, keep your knees together to bring them forward so that they are coordinatedlarge vertically on your toes.

Bring your hips forward directed vertically with the knees and the toes or balls of the feet.

Pull your shoulders forward, then they are aligned with the hips, knees and feet balls. When you point your arms straight down, you should look in the mirror, that follow your shoulders, hips, knees and feet balls in a straight line.

Maintaining this alignment slowly pressure on the balls of your feet and lift your heelkeep the soil (ankles touching). You should be able to up and down on your toes without falling backwards or forwards.

With a little practice, you can stay on your toes in perfect balance. You are on your way to cope with the rise and fall of the smooth dances such as waltz, foxtrot and quickstep. They are also a better balance and coordination in many everyday activities.

Happy Dancing,