วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Leisa Hart: Sexy Buns Aerobic Dance Workout

Leisa Hart: Sexy Buns Aerobic Dance Workout Review

I really enjoy this video because it is completely different from anything I have ever done. It is a challenge which is what keeps me motivated.

Make sure you watch this before you try it as it is hard to follow. They don't always show you what you are supposed to be doing right away and her pre-instructions are terrible. However, once you get the hang of it it is really fun!

Leisa Hart: Sexy Buns Aerobic Dance Workout Overview


Get Sexy Buns fast! Buns of Steel star Leisa Hart is known for her sexy buns. Now she shares her best bun shaping secrets in this fun, easy to follow fat burning, aerobic dance, calorie blasting workout. This hip groovin', bootie shakin' routine will make you feel sexy as you shed inches. Get ready for the whistles! Those tight fitting blue jeans are calling your name! Variations shown for beginner, intermediate and advanced exercise levels. Equipment needed: Stool or chair - an exercise mat or carpet.

Bonus DVD FEATURE: Join the Class: a camera is placed at the back of the set gives you the perspective of being part of the production.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 17, 2010 08:53:08

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Belly Dance Your Way to Cardio

Belly Dance Your Way to Cardio Review

I am usually a fan of Amira Mor, but I did not enjoy this video as much as her others, namely her "Belly Dance for Energy" video. This video offers a great workout with a series of simple shimmy drills, starting with lower body shimmies, and moving on to shoulder and traveling shimmies.

Almost the entire time, Amira Mor instructs the viewer to dance on their tip toes and execute the shimmies. I just don't believe that doing so is completely safe for the viewer. Also, Amira Mor begins to lax in detailed instruction at the end of the cardio section. It felt like a "follow the leader" game. She also forgets to remind the viewer on proper posture when executing these shimmies. The workout pace does get the heart racing and is adequate.

I enjoyed the choreography section, which teaches the viewer a drum solo. However, Amira Mor teaches almost the same choreography that was featured in her "Energy" DVD. The moves are the same, except she added a little bit of floorwork to the choreography. This disappointed me, because moves like the "Champagne" (a basic hip circle with a level change), and the "Sphinx" (fast head movements) are repeated in this DVD as in the "Energy" DVD, among other movements. Maybe the similarities between each choreography make both much easier to learn, but I would have preferred completely new material compared to her other DVDs.

I enjoyed Amira Mor's performance at the end of the DVD, but there are a few criticisms I must make of it. She dances to a techno beat, and her jazz background really shines through her performance, which I liked. However, there is a segment where she does a little bit of floorwork, and it seemed too provocative to me, especially with the gyrations and shoulder shimmies. She uses zills, which are not included in the DVD's sound. So, it seemed pointless for her to play the zills in the first place. She does do a few of the moves that were popular a few decades ago, which is fine, but I would not feel comfortable doing some of these moves in public. They are hard to describe, almost like "Peak-a-boo", provocative movements. I that's a poor choice of words. I did like how her dancing was full of energy though.

The other dancers featured in the background of the video offered a chance for the viewer to see how the moves are executed on different body types. This was wonderful to see, but some of the other "older" dancers were shoved into the background so that they were barely visible. Also, the other background dancers executed less perfected techniques. For example, they shook their shoulders at the same time as they shimmied, which is not proper isolation technique. It was just little things like this that bothered me.

The final segment of the performance featured the other background dancers in the DVD with the Wings of Isis. Amira Mor's turns with the wings and dancing was very lovely, and so were the other dancers' performances. However, some of the dancers appeared lost with the Wings of Isis choreography, and looked at each other to see what steps to do next.

If you are searching for a workout video, and do not own any of Amira Mor's previous videos, this might be a great choice. But, I do not believe that dancing on one's tiptoes and doing shimmies for such a lengthy period is healthy for the knees. Taking the video at one's own pace is probably preferred.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 16, 2010 08:36:32

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Learn ballet positions faster, 3 Essential Tips

As especially if you get an adult beginners ballet, there are a lot of information to absorb, at some fundamental positions. You can dream of the jumps of Split, beautiful, elegant ballet arm positions. Learn the basics of ballet slowly and carefully. They move faster with the conventional technique and movements to observe and learn about ballet.

Beginners dance classes for adults are devoted to a group instead. The attention to detail you need to learn balletnot attractive to everyone.

First Tip - How to teach ballet technique with the correct posture of the spine, it is important to achieve correct ballet positions. These include a neutral position of the pelvis. Finding that increased tension in specific muscles in your daily and you need to expand, modify and correct the attitude that it is an advantage for long life.

If you do not have time or money, more than one class per week do you taketo learn more!

If you have discovered an area in the play, to have a routine to relax and stretch your muscles. You can use a finger bowl (a small rubber ball sports), to relax the muscles.

According to Tip - More The Real Deal on participation. How are you, how to keep the turnout and safely strengthen the muscles of participation.

Try to learn Thirdly, develop the muscles of the feet with daily exercise. This exercise will raise cash, your jumps (Allegro) andHis statements (rapid movement of half-folded in the highest position in the middle of the arc) to the toes. Foot exercises are also exercises to prepare for the job Pointe - if this is selling a special goal.

The ballet is an art form, the feeling of magic and fantasy life. Understand how to increase your enthusiasm to the ballet to learn and bring concrete results physically. This trip is to enjoy your dance.!

วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Discount Dancewear

Disco is a generic term to reflect the clothing of the dancers and describe equipment during rehearsals and performance. Tights, ballet and pointe shoes, socks, sweaters, dresses and some of the dancers things you need to make their best performances. The search for discount clothing, dance has been that the knowledge of how the quality of the clothing without getting this quality demands.

Those who live in remote rural areas of major cities face difficult challenges, when the distances between the retailerdestroy the value of making from the clothing. Online merchants are a good source in those situations, since most major Web sites sell large quantities, so that they provide closure and liquidation items at low prices.

These sources provide branded products and have earned a good reputation for quality business practices. Their success provides a better record of customer satisfaction that customers again and again. Dealers offer quality goods that I needDancers at all skill levels and provide the dancers need help finding what they seek.

However, it can be a degree of uncertainty in the disco off election that does not readily see for myself how it was done or the quality of a leader have to consider the claims. Some general guidelines can help you, choosing the best option for you, that your individual needs.

First, beginners should never buy clothes without consultation with the Authority, more experts, instructors, dance partners, friends, or the experienced traders, the items you are interested in using or offering any tips.

It will not underestimate using the cheaper goods in the camps in liquidation or equipment, often under the dance studio. Students at stake (and their parents) is the value from Disco will help to advance one level to another> Dance.

Dance shoes are the exception to this rule. The shoes are an important tool that helps the dancers to develop their skills and equipment over time and particular attention is needed to ensure a good fit. Starting to speak on the wrong foot, so the selection of ill-fitting shoes can create a dangerous precedent, that the risk of injury and frustration in the early stages of a career interest in dance.

Most of the teachers to a form of dress code for its implementationStudents who have one thing to keep in mind when choosing an adhesive or a combination, one that has a certain color or style. There are several options to consider, in substance, and the subtle differences between cotton, microfiber and Lycra material to the clothes have before, or at least try to need a strong policy performance, but the clothes are not comfortable.

Finally, the size is always a problem with the rebate have disco, like many manufacturers toSizing tables, clothes and dance shoes are designed to fit differently than regular clothing. It certainly can not assume that a generic "average" or "great" to ensure universal access to and ask questions at the beginning to avoid unnecessary returns.

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Work It Off: Cardio Dance

Work It Off: Cardio Dance Review

Work It Off: Cardio Dance Overview

Studio: Direct Source Spec Prod Release Date: 06/15/2004

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 11, 2010 17:03:10

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Search for a balance in Dance Dance Bearing Size

Mindful Dance Dimensions is a comprehensive model for navigating the world of dance. With a fully three-dimensional view of the in the creation, interpretation, involving education, and administration of the dance, you can smarter, healthier, to make informed decisions. The focus here is on the balance in all its dimensions. Using the metaphor of the classical elements of Greek and Buddhist (Note: The Chinese elements are different), Dance Dimensions lays the foundation for a balance of elements in allFacets of dance.

Greek traditional elements of earth, water, fire, air and fuel were in the course of history as a metaphor for the many dimensions of life. When you consider all aspects of dance list, you will see that they each fall into one of these five categories. Most people in the world participated in Dance, a one-dimensional approach. The choreographer, dancer, sees only a physical body to pay for and shape, does not recognize the value of theindividual dancers heart, mind, spirit and soul.

The dancers are one shares Hardy and much more resistant surprisingly well with choreographers and directors, but imagine how much richer experience as a choreographer can dance were mentally engaged, emotional, passionate and spiritual, where only the physical dimension. Now imagine how much would be richer experience for students when the teacher taught them not only measures, but the integrity, creativity, passion, and how to relate effectively and in contact with other dancers and the audience. The current members of the teaching of dance, choreography, performance and administration, suffer from dimensional approaches.

Size Dance Mindful emphasizes balance in all dimensions. It is for each category. Those who are starting on the individual dancer or organization. The awareness of the multiple dimensions provides an overview of all aspects of the> Dance.

Size of the Earth (body)

As dancers, we spend most of their time, with our bodies. There may be more familiar with the details of our bodies and physical sensations of another dimension. The size of the Earth is to be fixed gaze, physical and material dancer. Includes our physical body, training, skills, fundamentals, (installation flexibility), strength, environmental (both live and studio space), plans, logistics, intelligence,and support.

The physical properties of a dancer with a strong dimension of the country can impress with their solid technical training, flexibility and strength. May benefit from a strong support system (good teachers, good school, good support from family and friends), and the possibilities reliable.

A dancer with a dimension of the low Earth may have physical limitations (lack of flexibility and strength), poor training, limited support and potential conflicts.


When a dancer captured our attention in the performance to win our hearts with her brilliant technique (the earth), or) their ability, expressive dynamics (water. The size of the water is the fluid world of our feelings and emotions. It is about the expression, the relations with other connections, networks, feelings, emotions and feelings.

A dancer with a powerful water can be significant expression, good relationships with other dancers,Teachers and administrators, opportunities to connect and persuade the public, a strong social network in the region and is probably for the feelings and emotions of their surroundings.

A dancer with a dimension of quality of water available may have poor performance, strained relations with the surroundings, feel isolated and can be insensitive to the feelings of others, because they primarily on themselves.

FIRE SIZE (Spirit)

A fire dancer told with enthusiasmCommitment to the movement and her love for dance. The size of the fire is the dynamic world of our action and movement. Includes our spirit, mission, policies, coordination, training, dedication, brilliance and energy.

A dancer can have a size of a large bonfire enormous drive and passion, motivation, physical coordination, natural looking, radiant stage presence and a guide to action.

A dancer with a dimension of a small flame can have low motivation, by nature, poor, The presence of poor coordination of the stage and in the studio or performance space timid.


An inspiring dancers with a large amount of air to us with their creativity, vision and direction. The size of the air is the wide world of thoughts and ideas. It requires inspiration, intention, attention, ideas, visions, creativity and intelligence.

A dancer with a strong dimension of the air can have great ideas, a deep understanding of the mind the look of the danceCreativity as a choreographer, concentration, a clear idea of what it means for their dance, improvisation, and often, and exploration.

A dancer with a size of air at low Can trite, vague, fuzzy, to say, what to do and not think for themselves and is comfortable with improvisation.

FUEL SIZE (soul)

A dancer with large quantities of gasoline affects automatically with their sense of integrity. The size of the gasolinerepresents the inner world of our values and ideals. This is the spirituality, awareness, core values, spirit and integrity.

A dancer with a strong essence can not be easily influenced by trends, fashion, fame and wealth. They have a strong sense of autonomy and what they believe that their actions and words do not reveal their personal values. Can improve your sense of self-balance the highs and lows of life in dance.

A dancer with a lowSize gas can believe one thing and do another, founded no doubt on the validity of the traditions and norms that are influenced by their peers or persons, the authority or slightly opinions of others.


The focus here is on the balance in all its dimensions. During the exploration of all sizes, an inventory of the items you use most and could use more attention. Think of colleagues, students or organizations, strong in some areas and poorother. Then you come to the conclusion on the appropriateness of adopting a comprehensive multi-dimensional works for you.

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to prevent knee injuries in Ballet Shoes and Pointe Shoes

The knee is beautifully designed. He tapes are not too much movement in a certain direction, and a shock absorber and the meniscus behind the kneecap, or patella.

The ballet and sporting activities include a sudden change of direction, turning, jumping, sudden stops and starts.

Fortunately in the ballet we turnout help on these factors.

If our participation is not strong, there is no risk to the knees.

If our attitudein his lower back and is considered the central area there is no risk to the knees. Creaked and rotor chronically tight (participation), the muscles, quads (thigh muscles), hamstrings (back of thigh) muscles, the result of an incorrect location pelvis. This leads to almost all other muscles in ballet technique, ballet positions and movements of ballet, which is in close positions, used instead of liquid.

While the tension for ballet is necessary, the voltage must be liquid. YearsRepetition in the training of ballet should be in the reflexes necessary to steadily grow to be expressed and easily find the tension.

Think of your favorite male dancers running. Observable quality of their dancing is easy. Make it seem so easy. One has to think not necessarily of the pillars of strength, even though they are very strong. You can feel her fluids when they are observed in difficult roles, such as Swan Lake, Don Quixote and other classics.

So, back to theKnee - the ligaments and the shocks are present. We have to make the turnout to the best use of it.

Foot power is an important factor. A high percentage of pronation general population, so that the feet touch the collapse inward when walking, running, dancing, when their feet hit the ground.

Overstretched Good posture, use of the involvement of the muscles, the correct positioning of the knee when the hyper-extension is available, and without the strengthening of intrinsic value (Foot) muscles can compensate for this factor and to prevent injuries to the knee.

Learning to relax the muscles after a hard day's work, for example with a ball Pinkie is a necessary part of training as well as ballet is. N. Many of the ballet students have enjoyed the time or the opportunity for a regular massage. But it is hard work, relax muscles, and must be given time to recover, none of these factors, which are the typical ballet training.

If you opt for the training of ballet and persistent pain and all concernedPain in the knees, please consult a professional. A chiropractor or physiotherapist with experience in dance or sports injury to help.

So ask your ballet teacher at the details of posture, of the compounds and the position of the feet look at the floor. These factors are not isolated. See also dance manuals written skills that are now available to anyone on the Internet.

Eat a healthy diet to support your ligaments and muscles. Yesbe able to prevent knee injuries and to enjoy the dance in the ballet shoes and pointe shoes.